Monday, 8 June 2015

NEC elections

I found out this morning that I had been re-elected for a third term to the UNISON National Executive Committee (which is the UNISON "Parliament" of our 1.3 million members, which runs the union in between our National delegate conferences).

Many, many thanks to all the UNISON branches who had nominated me and all those who voted to support me. I am the Community General seat member for the part of UNISON which organises in the Housing Association and Voluntary sector. 57,433 members were balloted.

While I was pleased to get 1975 votes to 648, the turnout was only 4.9% (and not untypical in these elections) which is appalling and something we simply must-do-something-about and not just whine as some do.

Commiserations to Kieran Grogan who stood against me and to my Community running mate, June Poole, who missed out by only 61 Votes to Jane Bryan who was re-elected to a second term. Congratulations mind you, to Jane.

As in all elections there was a number of shock results and surprises but the NEC is still firmly in the hands of the forces of light and reason for the next 2 years.

I will be speaking in the next few days to some good comrades who lost and some new ones who have just won.

It is going to be a really horrible and tough time during the next few years for trade unionists and we need to make sure that our union is safe, strong and there for our members. I think we have a NEC team that can deliver.

(picture of my old NEC "seat" on 9th floor of UNISON centre in Euston, London. Click on picture to bring up more detail)

I will post the full NEC results from the UNISON website later. 

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Last Call for UNISON NEC Elections 2015.....

This election finishes 5pm Friday 15 May so there is still time to check your paperwork, find your postal ballot paper and vote. 

Check out my recommendations for other Regional and national seats here or on Facebook

All UNISON members should have received a ballot paper at their home address by now.

If not I believe that you have until 12 noon on Tuesday 12 May to ring 0800 0857 857 for a duplicate. Lines open 6am to midnight on Monday and 6am to 12 noon on Tuesday. 

Monday, 27 April 2015

Ballot ends 15th May

Still time to vote. Retrieve your ballot paper from the "pending" pile in the drawer or on the shelf and vote then post. Check out my recommendations for Regional and national seats here or on Facebook

All UNISON members should have received a ballot paper at their home address by now.

If not you should ring 0800 0857 857 for a duplicate. Lines open 6am to midnight, Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday. The ballot does not finish until May 15.

(Hat tip Chris Hanrahan)

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

UNISON's NEC Elections: No Need to reclaim our UNION...You already own it!

This is a great flyer supporting the candidates of light and reason who are standing in the UNISON National Executive Committee (NEC) elections.

A minority faction within the union who have been regularly beaten in past ballots are attacking the union's democratic processes.

It is a shame that at the same time that the union is battling employers and the Tory Government that some think it is acceptable to attack their own union and anyone who does not agree with them.

Win or lose my seat, I will accept the democratic process.

Check out my recommendations for other regional and national seats here or on Facebook

All UNISON members should have received a ballot paper at their home address by now.

If not you should ring 0800 0857 857 for a duplicate. Lines open 6am to midnight, Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday. The ballot does not finish until May 15.

(Hat tip Chris Hanrahan)

Saturday, 18 April 2015

UNISON NEC Elections 2015: A London Region and National Ballot Paper Choices

The UNISON postal ballot election for a new National Executive Committee started on 7 April but continues until 15 May (click on to enlarge). So there is still plenty of time for UNISON members to vote if they have not done so. 

This is a copy of my ballot paper and preferences. All UNISON members in London will have the same choices for Regional Seats, while all National members of Community Service Group (Housing Associations and Voluntary sector) will also have the same choice as me as do all UNISON members over the Black Members' seats. 

Check out my recommendations for other regional and national seats here or on Facebook

Congratulations to Irene and Ablola for being elected unopposed! 

(If you did not receive your ballot papers by 14 April you should ring 0800 0857 857 for a duplicate. Lines open 6am to midnight, Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday).

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

UNISON's NEC Elections - Put our union and members first (2)

If you have not received your ballot papers by  (14 April) you should ring 0800 0857 857. Lines open 6am to midnight, Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday. Ballot closes 15 May.

Check out other national, regional and Black Members recommendations at UNISON NEC 2015 andFacebook 

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

UNISON's NEC Elections - Put our union and members first

If you have not received your ballot papers by today (14 April) you should ring 0800 0857 857. Lines open 6am to midnight, Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday. Ballot closes 15 May.

Check out other national, regional and Black Members recommendations at UNISON NEC 2015 andFacebook 

Friday, 10 April 2015

Steve Milford Election address: Male Seat South East Region

Dear UNISON Colleague

I was proud to have received the support of UNISON Members across the Region when I was elected to the NEC in 2013. Since then I have provided regular reports to the Regional Council and to Branch Secretaries. I strongly believe in a Member-led union, where Members’ views and principles are paramount and where the leadership of UNISON takes strong action to reflect our wishes.

I have lived and worked all my life in the South East and believe I share the fears, concerns, hopes and ambitions of all of you in this Region. The SE is crucial to UNISON and we can be proud of our record.  It is not always easy to take action to defend ourselves against the attacks on public services, but we should listen to our members as to what action they are prepared to take and take a lead in supporting strong, collective action, together with other unions where possible
I have been a UNISON / former partner union member and activist for over 30 years. In my Branch I have been Treasurer for 20 years . I have also been active on the SE Regional Council and various Committees, including Finance, Local Government and Publicity & Campaigning. On the NEC I have

  • Ø  Supported  co-ordinated action against the ConDem cuts, across all affected unions
  • Ø  Backed our campaign to improve Public Sector Pay and helped lead the strike action in my own Branch
  • Ø  Supported the NHS and local colleagues in their strike action
  • Ø  Opposed fracking and promoted renewable energy polices
  • Ø  Promoted support for our International Campaigns, eg against Trade Agreements in favour of multinationals and supported our work on Ebola in West Africa
The battle against the Coalition Govt continues and 2015 is a critical year for UNISON members – the General Election in May could be the most important in our lifetime and we face threats

  • Ø  Further cuts to jobs and Services
  • Ø  More pay restraint
  • Ø  Abolition of Facility Time
  • Ø  Cuts to our union’s income (abolition of check-off)
  • Ø  Laws denying our democratic right to strike
The fightback has begun with our Members across the South East – working with other TU’s where we can, I have been supporting campaigns in Southampton,  Brighton, Crawley, Oxford, Reading, Slough, Milton Keynes, Hastings and Thanet South.

We must never forget the need to stand up for Equalities – UNISON above all has a proud tradition of defending the basic rights of Women, Black Members, Disabled and LGBT Members. We must defend the Equality Act and our other hard-earned rights. Self Organised Groups are central in supporting our campaigns on cuts, pensions and pay and we must defend our Members against attacks on issues of Equality. Young and Retired Members in our Region also have a crucial role to play in our campaigns and we need to co-ordinate all sections of our union, Branches and Service Groups in our campaigns.

Yours Fraternally 

Steve Milford              

UNISON NEC Elections 2015: Regional, Service Group & Black members recommendations

  • Regional Seats
East Midlands Region
Female seat – Nicole Berrisford
Male seat – Chris Tansley

Greater London Region
Female seats – Margaret Greer, Kim Silver
Male seat – Mike Davey

North West Region
General seat – Pat McDonagh
Female seats – Tracy Delaney, Michelle England
Male seat – Tony Harmson

Scotland Region
General seat – Jane Carolan
Female seats – Sandra-Dee Masson
Male seat – Gordon McKay

South East Region
Male seat – Steve Milford
Reserved seat – Jean Butcher
South West Region
Male seat – Mike Hines

Wales Region
Male seat – Mark Fisher
(Female & Reserved seats no preference)

West Midlands Region
Female seats – Carol Sewell, Eleanor Smith
Male seat – Jim Price

Yorkshire and Humberside Region
Female seats – Linda Crowther, Sue Highton
Male seat – John Campbell
  • Service Groups
Community Service Group
General seat – John Gray
Female seat – June Poole

Healthcare Service Group
General seat – James Anthony
Female seats – Christine Sullivan, Ann Moses
Male seat – Eric Roberts

Higher Education Service Group
Female seat – Elizabeth (Liz) Baptiste

Local Government Service Group
General seat – Daniel Godwin
Female seats – Wendy Nichols, Lynn Poulton
Male seat – Paul Gilroy

Police and Justice Service Group
General seat – Chris Hanrahan

Water, Environment and Transport Service Group
General seat – Fran Hill
  • National Black Members Seats
Female seats – Elizabeth Cameron
Male seat – Calvin Smeda

Any UNISON member who has not received a ballot paper by 14 April should call 0800 0 857 957 to request a ballot paper. Close of ballot is May 15.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Vote for London Health Candidates: UNISON NEC elections 2015

London Ambulance Service member, Eric Roberts, and Lewisham hospital nurse, Mike Davey, are standing as London health candidates on behalf of the forces of light and reason against the evil ones. 

Monday, 6 April 2015

Vote Jean Butcher - Reserved Seat South East Region

UNISON NEC Elections 2015

Tomorrow (April 7) ballot papers should be starting to drop though the home letter boxes of 1.3 million UNISON members up and down the country.

Every 2 years all members of the UNISON National Executive Committee (NEC) are up for re-election. The UNISON website describes the work of the NEC as "Between conferences, an elected national executive council (NEC) decides on issues and campaigns, oversees the running of the union and works with UNISON staff to support members. NEC members represent UNISON to the wider world".

UNISON members will be able to vote for Service Group, Regional, Black, Female and Low paid committee members. If you are under 27 you can also vote for a Young member to represent you on the NEC.

I am standing for re-election as one of the two Community (General seat) NEC members. Community is the Service Group in UNISON for members who work in Housing Associations and the Voluntary Sector. June Poole is standing as well for the other Community (Female seat). June and I have worked together well in the past and are on a "joint ticket".

I will be posting recommendations about candidates who are standing for other NEC seats. This is in my personal capacity. Check out UNISON NEC 2015 Facebook page.

These elections are really important to the future of UNISON and I hope that there will be a good turn out of members who will vote and decide upon the leadership of the union for the next 2 years.